How to Be a Happier, Less-Stressed (and More Attractive) Person

In April, I was in the MacMillan studios recording Radical Radiance. I’ve included a little sampling of the audiobook below along with a written excerpt from the book.

I hope you enjoy listening as much as I loved making it for you. xoXO!

Listen while you read👇

We all know what it’s like to feel stressed, drained, overwhelmed, and downright dull—in other words, the opposite of radiant. In fact, while I was writing this book, our entire world was experiencing a life-changing pandemic that forced us to spend countless hours alone. Like it or not, this gave us a plethora of time to examine ourselves, on the inside and out.

So tell me: do you like what you see and love who you are?

I’ve come to believe that the blending of inner and outer radiance—a new and improved version of self-care—is the greatest act of self-love that you can practice.

Self-love starts with knowing who you are so that you can radiate your authentic beauty, brilliance, and balance.

Perhaps you’re successful at work, have a loving family, or think your partner is ideal; but without self-love, factors like burnout, stress, and the daily blues can sabotage your best intentions.

Enter: Radical Radiance.

Why do I call this Radical Radiance?

People always think “radical” means “extreme,” but the word actually comes from the Latin word radix, meaning “root.”

We are going to go to the root of who you are and do deep inner work on your soul’s essence for a visible vibrant glow.

I have been studying radiance my entire adult life as a performer and now as the founder of a skincare and spa brand. I teach thousands of women the Korean philosophy of always going to the root cause of their skin issues instead of heaping on makeup to cover what they perceive as flaws. It’s the same process with your soul, but because it’s invisible to you, it’s easy to ignore root issues and cover blockages with self-sabotage.

We think our inner energy is invisible to others even though it’s in and around us, but it affects the way we live, how we manifest, and how we connect with ourselves and others.

To get to the root, then, we need to prioritize self-love and cultivate rituals to nourish our inner radiance.

In this book, we will carve out time for self-love adventures, self-care sabbaticals, exploration playdates, inspiration getaways, creativity excursions, and frequency equilibriums.

We will also use everyday emotions to remind us to nourish our inner radiance with self-love.

When we feel down, irritated, upset, angry, stressed, or anxious, this serves as a reminder that our soul craves love as much as the body needs water.

Self-love is not selfish, nor is it vain.

It’s the most generous act of care that we can do for ourselves, our lovers, families, and friends. In the warmth of self-love, our authentic being lights up and kindles love for others.

This ultimately allows us to give from a cup that overflows with a lit-from-within quality.

Special thanks to the fabulous audio team, Elishia Merricks, Steve Wagner, Salvatore Barone, and Sam Glatt!

Continue getting inspired by listening in the car, en route to work, while you walk by getting the audiobook.

Edited excerpt from RADICAL RADIANCE: by Angela Jia Kim.

Copyright © 2022 by the author and reprinted with permission of St. Martin's Publishing Group.

Angela Jia Kim

Founder of Savor Beauty, author of Radical Radiance, creator of Savor Beauty Planner, mom to a teen sweetie and mini golden, partner to a philanthropic sweetheart. I’m a forever New Yorker, unfortunate carb lover, incurable Francophile.

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