How to Stay Focused and Purposeful in the New Year

Happy 2023! I hope you had a refreshing holiday break and feel rested and rejuvenated.

I spent NYE in the Middle East eating and dancing the night away with loved ones. On New Year’s day, I savored the New Year, New You masterclass community’s “radiance intentions” while refining my own.

I am currently reading a book that my dear friend, Sara Blette, recommended to me, The Yamas & Niyamas: Exploring Yoga's Ethical Practice by Deborah Adele. One section about elephants left an indelible impression on me.

The author shared that elephants are curious, joyous creatures that like to pick everything up with their trunks. During festivals, they get so distracted by the pomp and circumstance that they, like babies, want to put anything into their mouths.

To keep them focused, they are given a bamboo stick to wrap their trunks around. No longer distracted by fruits and sweeties, the elephants can now walk with dignity and purpose.

Our minds are also easily distracted, and I’m the first to admit that I love shiny objects (I call it Entrepreneur ADD.) Anything new, fun, or dramatic creates tangents to sidetrack me from my real purpose.

Many of us have created goals for the New Year. Studies show that only 9% of people successfully keep their resolutions by the end of the year.

The reason for failure? 33% don’t keep track of their goals, and 23% forget them altogether.

In other words, most of us don’t stay focused and, like elephants, we allow our naturally playful and curious minds to get distracted by shiny objects.

Here’s how I stay on track and keep my elephant mind from swaying back and forth: the Savor Beauty Planner is my bamboo stick.

In the front of the planner, there are worksheets and prompts to create a 90-day vision, which helps me to stay focused and aligned with the bigger vision, which leads to purposeful daily actions.

Anytime I see a “fruit” or a “sweetie”, and my mind swings over to pick it up, I revisit my visions, affirmations, and intentions. If the shiny object is not aligned, I do not get distracted.

Want to join me in this festival of a purposeful life? Let’s stay playful and curious but not distracted! Get your bamboo stick and join me!

You can even hop into our New Year, New You masterclass community to create your 2023 intentions for your best year yet. For the month of January, I’ll be in there hosting and toasting your success!

xx, Angela

Angela Jia Kim

Founder of Savor Beauty, author of Radical Radiance, creator of Savor Beauty Planner, mom to a teen sweetie and mini golden, partner to a philanthropic sweetheart. I’m a forever New Yorker, unfortunate carb lover, incurable Francophile.

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